
It is develop an investigation aimed at explores Viktor Frankl’s construct of sense of life, in relation to Erik Erikson’s concept of Identity, as an important aspect in the development of the person. 

The objective of the study will be guided to understand the common factors participating in the search of meaning in life and development of personal identity, such as the achievement of a Temporal Perspective, or appreciation of lifetime experiences.

The present study will be research using the “Purpose in Life” test (Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1964) and the “Identity Test” for adolescents and young people (Molla, 1978). The sample for this study was made out of 173 male and female students, 122 students from Secondary School and 51 from and University of Lima, Perú, with similar ages.

The results of this study show that the Total Identity Scale, and the Temporal Perspective Scale of the “Identity Test”, have significant correlations with the items of the “Purpose in Life” test.

In conclussion, the achievement of Temporal Perspective is important for the integration and assimilation of experiences, leading to the emotional-vital integration of existential meaning and the search for the meaning of life.

Key Words: Meaning of life, Identity, adolescents.

Demostration Thesis Molla Miguel, (2012).Supervised by Dr. Edward Marshall, MD,PhD


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